Skydiving In India - When 10,000 Feet Was Just Another Number!

If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.
Spreading the word of Happy Skies:Next Camp 28th Nov 2013 - March 2014,Mysore
Skyriders Official Website:
Skyriders FB Page: Skyriders on FB
3000 ... 4000 ... 5000 .. 6000 ...And it was getting colder but my smile never stopped.8000 .. 9000 ... 10000 .And we took our positions,I took my front foot forward and we jumped.
I,Ankita Sinha has Skydived,not there or anywhere but in India.It was a moment of thrill which can't be expressed,a moment of fall which took away all my past pain and insecurities in a jiffy,a moment of seduction with the clouds.Unforgettable,yes! Unbelievable,yes! Was I scared,No . Was I screaming with joy,every moment :) .Will I do it again? Every time I get a chance for sure.

Not many know,that I work for Skyriders who conduct Skydiving in India and I consider myself lucky to be working with the team for last one year.In the last one year,due to travel assignments of my blog,I couldn't manage to visit a single camp.Sometimes,I felt pity on me which my friends took it as I was scared.I knew from the start the day I will jump,it will change my life and it did.The best 4 days of my life where I met batches of students all set for their Solo Dives and Tandem Dives,danced in the Airport premises,watched a Spicejet plane arrive as close as possible to where I was,had Malabar fish fry just outside the airport,watched Ramleela,Danced in the Mall,had best time with 21 year old Fashion Photographer turned Skydiving Photographer Hari and posed in the fields,understood a little bit of "Roger" and etc with Captain Harshit who flew the plane brilliantly and understood with Ales and Rajan (instructors) that living on edge for years is so much fun and was barely without internet for 4 days. Ales was from Czech,a country I want to go very very soon and to my surprise he said to me,he like it more in India here.Dr,Aanchal my manager is cool as cucumber,and thanks to my team that I never felt even a single bit of uneasiness when going for my first dive.
Don't be afraid of falling out of the plane, you are dressed for the occasion.
My First Dive,doesn't begin with a plan.It begins with a question.Do you wanna dive?I was asked.And I said.Now?And half an hour later I dived.Rewind,and you'll see me travelling all the way from Bangalore to Mysore just to be with my team for next 4 days,may be Skydive on the 4th day,when my work is over.But this was quick.I came,I dived,and I saw others dive.My hair,was a little messy due to travel,but the jumpsuit was fitting perfectly to me. Ales gave me instructions on how to position in the plane,and when to jump,when to open your arms,when to lift your legs etc.
We also had Nariyal Pani,just for fun.Well,I was wondering these things can never happen abroad?Can it?Well,yes I was lucky again.The ground instruction was followed by in the plane on the ground once more.And then the plane took off...
At 10,000 feet nothing else matters.
3000 ... 4000 ... 5000 .. 6000 ...And it was getting colder but my smile never stopped.8000 .. 9000 ... 10000 .And we took our positions,I took my front foot forward and we jumped.In the plane,was just one feeling of letting go of not fear but my past.This year,to me has been turbulent.Felt ill for almost a year with diseases I wouldn't have ever thought of,was deceived and cheated by my own people,and still survived.But the pain was still there somewhere in my heart,and the moment I jumped,every feeling of sadness disappeared and was filled up with what is going to come.What was coming was a wide array of clouds,we were falling rapidly,they said the parachute opens after 40 secs of free fall. But 40 seconds looked like forever.Those clouds,I used to admire every time I used to travel,was just beneath me.Those clouds of hope filling me with laughter.I remember not stopping to scream with joy and laugh even for a minute.I remember swearing to god,this is the best thing I have ever done.The parachute opened after we descended 5k feet,and slowly and steadily we landed which was followed by loops and 360 degree turns in the air midway.My ears where closed when I reached,but that happens when you fall from 10k feet.
Yes,Skydiving is the best thing I have ever done till date.People ask me difference between Paragliding,Parasailing and Skydiving.And I just have once answer,to each his own but to me Skydiving gave me that high which none other Adventure Sport ever gave me before :) not even Scuba- Diving.
We have two more interesting posts from blogger Shrinidhi who has experienced a Tandem Skydive recently and here are the links:
Enidhi- My Skydiving Experience And Photos at Mysore
Enidhi:Skydiving in India,Is It Expensive?
The sky is not the limit — the ground is - With my team and students
The next 10 students came in for their Solo Dive Training.It was interesting to see so many adventure enthusiasts now willing to trust the equipment and safety procedures we follow.Ask me,it has been a challenge to convince people "Everyone has the same question,how safe is it here".Things have changed,and so has the mindset.Conducting Skydiving for last 2 years in India has been a task for my manager,the permissions ain't that easy to get unless we ensure student safety and sometimes the people who jump don't care but we have to care for them.

Shweta Gopinath Shares her first Solo Static Line Experience
It's as if a relation of "being cared for" that we have decided to follow path of.It's a mutual friendly interaction we follow,so that people know yes,it is an adventure sport,but yes,they can do it.It was interesting to meet and interact and even dance with Vinay,Indrajit,Anil,Sunil,Lokesh etc and know what inspired them to come for the sport.Next day,they were all ready in those red jumpsuits.
With their gear,we turn by turn watched everybody's landing,tracking their movements mid air and giving them directions on radio signals. Kaup Rajesh Shetty , a diver with us says
The overall Experience of Sky Diving by Alliance Adventure Club.Myself Kaup Rajesh Shetty (Sr.Law Officer) Alliance University. A simple and cool guy who never did unusual and crazy thing in his whole life so far. Always thought of doing something which I never done and which are funny, crazy and enjoyable but due to responsibility and the other commitments I was lacking behind of such activities.I have received a mail from Philip Stanly Sir about the skydiving adventure sports couple of weeks ago. Prior to this I neither had any experience of such adventure sports nor had any idea but have a craze of doing such in order to have experience the fear of death at close juncture.I requested Philips sir to join me as a part of that team and we all set to go for skydiving. On 15-11-2013 as planned Morning 4.30 am we all (Myself, Philip sir, Manoj and Kiran) set to go for venue i.e Mysore Airport. I had lot of fear in my mind but expectation to experience the same. We left the university at around 5.00 am in morning and reached the venue around 7.30 am. At venue we met our co-ordinator Ms.Ankita and the training instructor Mr.Rajan (an ex- army) and very good friend of Philip Sir. Mr.Rajan is a very much humble and kind hearted person it was a pleasure meeting a person like him. Even I met couple of guys over there those who came for skydiving as like me and not had much interaction with them as I thought to be myself separate.
On 15-11-2013 our training got started for static jump. There was a two kind of jump tandem and Static. In tandem an instructor will accompany you with 12000 feet height whereas in static where no trainer will accompany you and the height will be 3500 feet. Mr.Rajan is a highly experienced and did more than 2500 jumps in his 25 years of skydiving career.
We did our self-introductory part and soon after around 20 minutes I saw a guy with a big mustache joined us by name Sunil. I thought he might be from Indian Air force trainee or any military personnel but next day I realize that he is not in army but had experience of skydiving prior to this.
Our friend Manoj, who came for tandem Jump gone for his jump as the weather condition was good and clear as one of the trainer accompany him during the jump, so he don’t require any preparation and training. We all did our training part and went for lunch even then also I never mingle with others much. We all sit together for lunch and had veg and chicken fried rice and came back to airport. Mr.Manoj who completed his jump and way back to Bangalore but our training session again started after lunch and went up to in evening then our organizer informed us about the dance party in one of the mall in Mysore but because of shy and tiredness I stayed back and refused to be a part of it and way back to hotel, later I thought to join but it was quite late.
We are trained whole day about the operating the canopy, its function, safety, how to handle pressure, what to do in emergency and how to land.Though it seems enjoyable when others are jumping but in reality I was very much tensed and fear of falling of 3500 feet. We keep on memorizing the tactics and recalling the information what Mr.Rajan has taught. After finishing 1st day we came back to the The Lotus Inn, hotel where myself and Philip stanly Sir exchanging my fear and his experience of skydiving.The next day i.e on 16-11-2013 we left our lodge at around 8.30am without having breakfast as we need to reach the venue at early morning. The experienced the real fear when we reach the Airport and when it came to my turn of jumping. I and my friend Mr.Kiran fully dressed up and set to board the Aircraft in smile with lot of fear inside. Even then I was acting like a fully confident but god only knows what is going on inside my heart but I don’t want to show the fear so that the other shouldn’t feel that I am coward but I know for first time everybody feels the same. I was then taken as many snap which I never took in my whole life at a time so far. By that point of time I was mingled with others and had fun and had some good conversation. The time finally arises when aircraft started to take off I was totally blank and started praying all my favourite god and goddesses to help me out from this fear. The aircraft window open and I was made to sit on board next to pilot and there was no proper handle to hold inside the aircraft though my trainer is holding me tightly I was quite uncomfortable inside the aircraft. Anyhow I made my mind clear to sit and stay back. When the aircraft reaches 1000 feet my heart beat were reached its maximum, no all is well if I down direct to hell. The weather was also chill and even my heart is also become cold but still kept calm. When the aircraft reached 3500 feet my trainer started count down and told me to get ready to go out but actually I was not willing to go out. The time finally arrived when aircraft reached 3800 feet the trainer told the pilot to cut down the speed and told me to get ready. I came out with shivering hand and both the legs also got shivering and reached the Aircraft wing.
I was totally shivering and broke down with cold and fear and my trainer told me to leave the plane but actually I was not willing to and at the end with hope and prayer I left the aircraft. I totally forgot what he taught me during the training that what to do soon after the jump for 5 seconds (i.e count 1thousand, 2 thousand…3….4….5 thousand check there square and steer) and I was coming down very fast. My canopy got open but not fully as cable got twisted and uncontrollable. I got radio instruction to pull the right toggle to open but I was unable to do so as it got twisted, then I saw upward and I came to know it because of twist I unable to control, then I thought to release the main and go for reserve canopy but unless they give instruction I stopped myself from doing so and then made myself turn and clear the twist got control, I shouted with happy that finally I am under control of canopy and vis-Ã -vis that point of time I actually lost 1200 feet and I reached 2600 feet by then I got appreciation from the radio instructor and did as per their instruction. My heart felt relaxed and worry about the landing. In an about 2 minute I reached 300 feet about to land. I was in actual target point and landed safely with minor scratches as common. The moment I landed I myself decided that I will do it again with more perfection and confidence and I will land safely with no fear.
I am very much thankful toMr.Rajan Sir, Dr.anchal, Hari for his beautiful photography, mehtha, ankita, Ravi(Organisers) and especially Mr.Philip Sir who accompanied, supported and guided all through with spirit thank you sir.
With regards,

After the jump with my team - This happens only in India :)
Personally,I would love everyone to be up in the air and to experience every moment me and Rajesh has experienced.But it wouldn't be possible without your help.Yes! Readers,yes travelers your help.So spread the word to as many people as possible "Not Many Still Know That It Happens in India" and our main aim is to help everyone experience it.I will be mailing all the bloggers the details on Skydiving and I would love if you could help us spread the word in any way possible :)
And yes,we are just done with Camp in Mysore,and we take a break of 10 days,and we are starting off again from 28th Nov onward till March 2014.
Every weekend from then on we will have Static Jumps and every day Tandem.The charges remain the same ;
Static Line(16500 (training,jump,log) + 500(Camera) Tandem(25000 on weekdays,and 27.5 on weekends + 4000(video).
To book visit or write to or call at 09986703994 or even drop a comment :)
We have around 10k followers on Facebook,and it is there,you can check all the lovely pictures and videos of previous dives :)
To know more about types of Skydives,Previous Skydives,etc check the link.And I'll be heading to Dubai in a week's time,any suggestions folks?

Spreading the word of Happy Skies:Next Camp 28th Nov 2013 - March 2014,Mysore
Skyriders Official Website:
Skyriders FB Page: Skyriders on FB
3000 ... 4000 ... 5000 .. 6000 ...And it was getting colder but my smile never stopped.8000 .. 9000 ... 10000 .And we took our positions,I took my front foot forward and we jumped.
I,Ankita Sinha has Skydived,not there or anywhere but in India.It was a moment of thrill which can't be expressed,a moment of fall which took away all my past pain and insecurities in a jiffy,a moment of seduction with the clouds.Unforgettable,yes! Unbelievable,yes! Was I scared,No . Was I screaming with joy,every moment :) .Will I do it again? Every time I get a chance for sure.

If the good Lord had wanted people to stay on the ground, he would have given us roots.
Not many know,that I work for Skyriders who conduct Skydiving in India and I consider myself lucky to be working with the team for last one year.In the last one year,due to travel assignments of my blog,I couldn't manage to visit a single camp.Sometimes,I felt pity on me which my friends took it as I was scared.I knew from the start the day I will jump,it will change my life and it did.The best 4 days of my life where I met batches of students all set for their Solo Dives and Tandem Dives,danced in the Airport premises,watched a Spicejet plane arrive as close as possible to where I was,had Malabar fish fry just outside the airport,watched Ramleela,Danced in the Mall,had best time with 21 year old Fashion Photographer turned Skydiving Photographer Hari and posed in the fields,understood a little bit of "Roger" and etc with Captain Harshit who flew the plane brilliantly and understood with Ales and Rajan (instructors) that living on edge for years is so much fun and was barely without internet for 4 days. Ales was from Czech,a country I want to go very very soon and to my surprise he said to me,he like it more in India here.Dr,Aanchal my manager is cool as cucumber,and thanks to my team that I never felt even a single bit of uneasiness when going for my first dive.
Don't be afraid of falling out of the plane, you are dressed for the occasion.
My First Dive,doesn't begin with a plan.It begins with a question.Do you wanna dive?I was asked.And I said.Now?And half an hour later I dived.Rewind,and you'll see me travelling all the way from Bangalore to Mysore just to be with my team for next 4 days,may be Skydive on the 4th day,when my work is over.But this was quick.I came,I dived,and I saw others dive.My hair,was a little messy due to travel,but the jumpsuit was fitting perfectly to me. Ales gave me instructions on how to position in the plane,and when to jump,when to open your arms,when to lift your legs etc.
You know you're a skydiver when your friends look at the sky and say, "look at all those clouds," and you say, "look at all those holes!"
We also had Nariyal Pani,just for fun.Well,I was wondering these things can never happen abroad?Can it?Well,yes I was lucky again.The ground instruction was followed by in the plane on the ground once more.And then the plane took off...
3000 ... 4000 ... 5000 .. 6000 ...And it was getting colder but my smile never stopped.8000 .. 9000 ... 10000 .And we took our positions,I took my front foot forward and we jumped.In the plane,was just one feeling of letting go of not fear but my past.This year,to me has been turbulent.Felt ill for almost a year with diseases I wouldn't have ever thought of,was deceived and cheated by my own people,and still survived.But the pain was still there somewhere in my heart,and the moment I jumped,every feeling of sadness disappeared and was filled up with what is going to come.What was coming was a wide array of clouds,we were falling rapidly,they said the parachute opens after 40 secs of free fall. But 40 seconds looked like forever.Those clouds,I used to admire every time I used to travel,was just beneath me.Those clouds of hope filling me with laughter.I remember not stopping to scream with joy and laugh even for a minute.I remember swearing to god,this is the best thing I have ever done.The parachute opened after we descended 5k feet,and slowly and steadily we landed which was followed by loops and 360 degree turns in the air midway.My ears where closed when I reached,but that happens when you fall from 10k feet.
Yes,Skydiving is the best thing I have ever done till date.People ask me difference between Paragliding,Parasailing and Skydiving.And I just have once answer,to each his own but to me Skydiving gave me that high which none other Adventure Sport ever gave me before :) not even Scuba- Diving.
We have two more interesting posts from blogger Shrinidhi who has experienced a Tandem Skydive recently and here are the links:
Enidhi- My Skydiving Experience And Photos at Mysore
Enidhi:Skydiving in India,Is It Expensive?
The sky is not the limit — the ground is - With my team and students
The next 10 students came in for their Solo Dive Training.It was interesting to see so many adventure enthusiasts now willing to trust the equipment and safety procedures we follow.Ask me,it has been a challenge to convince people "Everyone has the same question,how safe is it here".Things have changed,and so has the mindset.Conducting Skydiving for last 2 years in India has been a task for my manager,the permissions ain't that easy to get unless we ensure student safety and sometimes the people who jump don't care but we have to care for them.

It's as if a relation of "being cared for" that we have decided to follow path of.It's a mutual friendly interaction we follow,so that people know yes,it is an adventure sport,but yes,they can do it.It was interesting to meet and interact and even dance with Vinay,Indrajit,Anil,Sunil,Lokesh etc and know what inspired them to come for the sport.Next day,they were all ready in those red jumpsuits.
With their gear,we turn by turn watched everybody's landing,tracking their movements mid air and giving them directions on radio signals. Kaup Rajesh Shetty , a diver with us says
The overall Experience of Sky Diving by Alliance Adventure Club.Myself Kaup Rajesh Shetty (Sr.Law Officer) Alliance University. A simple and cool guy who never did unusual and crazy thing in his whole life so far. Always thought of doing something which I never done and which are funny, crazy and enjoyable but due to responsibility and the other commitments I was lacking behind of such activities.I have received a mail from Philip Stanly Sir about the skydiving adventure sports couple of weeks ago. Prior to this I neither had any experience of such adventure sports nor had any idea but have a craze of doing such in order to have experience the fear of death at close juncture.I requested Philips sir to join me as a part of that team and we all set to go for skydiving. On 15-11-2013 as planned Morning 4.30 am we all (Myself, Philip sir, Manoj and Kiran) set to go for venue i.e Mysore Airport. I had lot of fear in my mind but expectation to experience the same. We left the university at around 5.00 am in morning and reached the venue around 7.30 am. At venue we met our co-ordinator Ms.Ankita and the training instructor Mr.Rajan (an ex- army) and very good friend of Philip Sir. Mr.Rajan is a very much humble and kind hearted person it was a pleasure meeting a person like him. Even I met couple of guys over there those who came for skydiving as like me and not had much interaction with them as I thought to be myself separate.
On 15-11-2013 our training got started for static jump. There was a two kind of jump tandem and Static. In tandem an instructor will accompany you with 12000 feet height whereas in static where no trainer will accompany you and the height will be 3500 feet. Mr.Rajan is a highly experienced and did more than 2500 jumps in his 25 years of skydiving career.
We did our self-introductory part and soon after around 20 minutes I saw a guy with a big mustache joined us by name Sunil. I thought he might be from Indian Air force trainee or any military personnel but next day I realize that he is not in army but had experience of skydiving prior to this.
Our friend Manoj, who came for tandem Jump gone for his jump as the weather condition was good and clear as one of the trainer accompany him during the jump, so he don’t require any preparation and training. We all did our training part and went for lunch even then also I never mingle with others much. We all sit together for lunch and had veg and chicken fried rice and came back to airport. Mr.Manoj who completed his jump and way back to Bangalore but our training session again started after lunch and went up to in evening then our organizer informed us about the dance party in one of the mall in Mysore but because of shy and tiredness I stayed back and refused to be a part of it and way back to hotel, later I thought to join but it was quite late.
We are trained whole day about the operating the canopy, its function, safety, how to handle pressure, what to do in emergency and how to land.Though it seems enjoyable when others are jumping but in reality I was very much tensed and fear of falling of 3500 feet. We keep on memorizing the tactics and recalling the information what Mr.Rajan has taught. After finishing 1st day we came back to the The Lotus Inn, hotel where myself and Philip stanly Sir exchanging my fear and his experience of skydiving.The next day i.e on 16-11-2013 we left our lodge at around 8.30am without having breakfast as we need to reach the venue at early morning. The experienced the real fear when we reach the Airport and when it came to my turn of jumping. I and my friend Mr.Kiran fully dressed up and set to board the Aircraft in smile with lot of fear inside. Even then I was acting like a fully confident but god only knows what is going on inside my heart but I don’t want to show the fear so that the other shouldn’t feel that I am coward but I know for first time everybody feels the same. I was then taken as many snap which I never took in my whole life at a time so far. By that point of time I was mingled with others and had fun and had some good conversation. The time finally arises when aircraft started to take off I was totally blank and started praying all my favourite god and goddesses to help me out from this fear. The aircraft window open and I was made to sit on board next to pilot and there was no proper handle to hold inside the aircraft though my trainer is holding me tightly I was quite uncomfortable inside the aircraft. Anyhow I made my mind clear to sit and stay back. When the aircraft reaches 1000 feet my heart beat were reached its maximum, no all is well if I down direct to hell. The weather was also chill and even my heart is also become cold but still kept calm. When the aircraft reached 3500 feet my trainer started count down and told me to get ready to go out but actually I was not willing to go out. The time finally arrived when aircraft reached 3800 feet the trainer told the pilot to cut down the speed and told me to get ready. I came out with shivering hand and both the legs also got shivering and reached the Aircraft wing.
I was totally shivering and broke down with cold and fear and my trainer told me to leave the plane but actually I was not willing to and at the end with hope and prayer I left the aircraft. I totally forgot what he taught me during the training that what to do soon after the jump for 5 seconds (i.e count 1thousand, 2 thousand…3….4….5 thousand check there square and steer) and I was coming down very fast. My canopy got open but not fully as cable got twisted and uncontrollable. I got radio instruction to pull the right toggle to open but I was unable to do so as it got twisted, then I saw upward and I came to know it because of twist I unable to control, then I thought to release the main and go for reserve canopy but unless they give instruction I stopped myself from doing so and then made myself turn and clear the twist got control, I shouted with happy that finally I am under control of canopy and vis-Ã -vis that point of time I actually lost 1200 feet and I reached 2600 feet by then I got appreciation from the radio instructor and did as per their instruction. My heart felt relaxed and worry about the landing. In an about 2 minute I reached 300 feet about to land. I was in actual target point and landed safely with minor scratches as common. The moment I landed I myself decided that I will do it again with more perfection and confidence and I will land safely with no fear.
I am very much thankful toMr.Rajan Sir, Dr.anchal, Hari for his beautiful photography, mehtha, ankita, Ravi(Organisers) and especially Mr.Philip Sir who accompanied, supported and guided all through with spirit thank you sir.
With regards,

Personally,I would love everyone to be up in the air and to experience every moment me and Rajesh has experienced.But it wouldn't be possible without your help.Yes! Readers,yes travelers your help.So spread the word to as many people as possible "Not Many Still Know That It Happens in India" and our main aim is to help everyone experience it.I will be mailing all the bloggers the details on Skydiving and I would love if you could help us spread the word in any way possible :)
And yes,we are just done with Camp in Mysore,and we take a break of 10 days,and we are starting off again from 28th Nov onward till March 2014.
Every weekend from then on we will have Static Jumps and every day Tandem.The charges remain the same ;
Static Line(16500 (training,jump,log) + 500(Camera) Tandem(25000 on weekdays,and 27.5 on weekends + 4000(video).
To book visit or write to or call at 09986703994 or even drop a comment :)
We have around 10k followers on Facebook,and it is there,you can check all the lovely pictures and videos of previous dives :)
To know more about types of Skydives,Previous Skydives,etc check the link.And I'll be heading to Dubai in a week's time,any suggestions folks?
What an experience it mus have been ! You have head for heights, congrats !
ReplyDeletecool re .....i wanna do it too :)
ReplyDelete@Paresh:Yes,Paresh,there's no word to describe my experience and I feel so happy to be able to do it :)
ReplyDelete@Krithi Marla:Most welcome anytime,give me a buzz,will mail details :)
ReplyDeleteWhoa! That is exciting just reading! I can well imagine the excitement in the scene.
ReplyDeleteYou rock girl!
ReplyDeletethat's an awesome experience :)
ReplyDeleteNice reading this... Looking forward to December
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You rocked it.I am sure the experience must have been fabulous
ReplyDeleteIt is very interesting and thrilling. I loved reading every bit of this post. I wasn't aware that It had started in India also. Definitely, would like to give it a shot someday...